What is the Project Readiness Assessment (PRA)?

The PRA is a detailed questionnaire that helps determine the needs or gaps your project may have prevented it from becoming grant-ready or shovel-worthy. It involves an in-depth analysis of a project’s technical solution, commercial structure, risk profile, and more.

What does it evaluate? Here's the complete list of questions:

  1. Is there an identified project site?
  2. Is there a plan or a similar guiding document prepared specifically for the project?
  3. Is there a preliminary yet logical cost estimate for the project?
  4. Is there a scope for the project (and its outcomes) discussed and agreed among the implementation authority?
  5. Were any alternative approaches considered to achieve the purpose of this project? If yes, were there any technical studies to validate the current approach?
  6. Is there a set timeline for the project, including specified construction and operation periods?
  7. Which primary methodology are you using to make the financial case for the project? (VFM, CBA, LLC, others)
  8. Is your project secured by a contract with set roles and responsibilities for participating players?
  9. What percentage of the cost of project components comes from domestically manufactured goods?
  10. Is there a set funding source for the project?
  11. Is there a long-term affordability plan/strategy/contract in place?
  12. Is your project insured against climate risks?
  13. What primary financing techniques are you using to finance the project/generate revenue from the project? (PPP, BONDS, TIF, OTHERS)
  14. Is there clarity on governance level owning, implementing, and overseeing the project?
  15. Is there a governance or organizational setup for the project?
  16. Is the governance structure established for all the phases of the project (planning, delivery, long-term operations)?
  17. Are stakeholders' roles well communicated and agreed upon?
  18. Is the project checked to satisfy existing legislation and regulation?
  19. Is there an identified regulatory body for the project?
  20. Is there a dispute resolution process in place?
  21. Are there any impacts on the investor from the project, apart from investment risks?
  22. Will the project cause any displacement, including potential gentrification?
  23. Is the public aware and overall supportive of the project?
  24. Has an environmental impact assessment been completed for this project?
  25. Is the project planned and designed for future climate projections?
  26. Is the project building local community resilience towards future climate impacts?
  27. Is the project designed for net zero or negative carbon emissions?
  28. Are there identified service recipients that will benefit from this projects?
  29. Will this project create local employment opportunities?
  30. Are there identified groups that will be adversely impacted by this project?
  31. Are there any identified general risks specific to this project (including social, environmental, international currency exchange risks, etc.)?
  32. Are there any identified construction and implementation risks (including political and legal risks)?
  33. Are there any identified operational and demand risks?
  34. Are all identified risks communicated and allocated to the participating players in the project?